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Events to register:
  • Saturday August 22, 2020 - Frosty Valley


Class of 75 Missing Classmates:

Karen Anderson 
Jim Boyd 
Jenny Brooker 
Linda Brown 
Albert Burki 
Susan Caldwell 
Sonja Cary 
James Carol 
Matt Christovich 
Octavio Cruz 
Lance Curtis 
Gregory Dean 
Sheila Dilley 
Barbara C. Finch 
Lora R. Fittro 
Glenn Gable 
Peter Haggerty 
Carol Hurbanek Carter
Pamela Hyder 
Karen Jamison 
Bruce Johnson 
Judith Jones 
Bijana Jovanovic 
David Keay 
Greg Kingsolver 
Steve Letters 
Victoria Macdonald 
Deanna Marie 
Sherrie Maupin 
Susan McMullen Donalo
Linda McQuaide 
George Moore 
Thomas Moran 
Frank  Murphy 
Sue Nichol 
Vicki Poole Thompson
Jane Ryder Sun
Robert Schaefer 
Larry Scharno 
Theresa M. Schroeder 
Jeffrey S. Seidel 
Patricia Simms Miller
Karen Stayduhar 
Kara Stenger Dyke
Scott Stone 
Edward Sunderland 
Claire Swann 
Jacqueline Szeligo Milliron
Patricia Tomnay 
Robert Wagner 
Edward Walker 
Mark Wehrman 
Timothy Wetzel 
Jeff Wilcox 
Pamela Wilcox 

hdrsept 12

It is too late to send in your check, but it's not too late to come to the reunion. We want everyone to come if they can make it.

Latest info on the Reunion Weekend

Our 45 Year reunion has been cancelled at this time due to the Covid virus. We hope to have the reunion next year. Everyone stay safe and we will see you then.


Dan Wilhelm update

It is a great location for us. 
Dan Ruffing will provide us with an all inclusive price including main tent, chairs, tables, small tent for music,
electrical power, a portable bar rolled into position,  food staging on premises under cover, food choices from caterers who know the kitchen; they’ll do set up and clean up and break down. 
We need a band or DJ so ideas are welcome. We bring our own booze.
Restrooms are on site. 


Diane has set-up the po box for payments for the reunion. 

Payments will be made to USC Class of 1975 and mailed c/o Diane Troy, P. O. Box 973, Seneca, SC 29679.


Chal is arranging for a room block at the Hilton Garden @ Southpoint and possibly arranging to play South Point Golf Club, we can work out the logistics later



Dan Wilhelm has been organizing the 2020 reunion - a note from Dan:

It's 2020 and time for the USCHS Class of '75 45th year reunion and a return to dear old Upper St. Clair.

A group of classmates is working on putting together a weekend of fun events for August 21-22.

The grounds and clubhouse at Frosty Valley Golf Course on Boyce Rd.
have been reserved for
Saturday August 22 from 4pm to 10pm.

We'll be outside under a tent near the clubhouse for a fun time with friends, food, entertainment, wine & beer.
The old Hidden Valley Golf Course is a perfect laid back venue to revisit with old friends and make new ones.

Let us know if you'd like to help. Contact Jerry Clark at or on the Facebook page or reach out directly to Kim Rieck Fisher, Diane Hardy Troy, Trish Conover Hare, Chal McCombs, Pat McShane, Polly Brown & Doug Fikse, or MC Tom Griffith to chip in.

Details will follow but
Save the Date for a great time this summer back where it all began.

75 Forever.

Dan Wilhelm


Help Needed:

If you would like to help or have a suggestion, please let us know

Some of the Tasks that require help:

  • People to help notify our classmates for the reunion.

If you can think of something else you can help with. Please let us know.


* we need a “communal effort”

Hotels for the Reunion weekend


The Reunion Continued

The conversation his continuing on the Upper St Clair High School Class of '75 Facebook Page.

- Join in the conversation -


For anyone coming in early for Reunion Weekend,we will see if we can get sosmething together or at least a place to meetup

Please we need your help

We have a few volunteers already, but never enough - we would like your help - if you want to help and have some things you would like to do, please let us know.


Let's Notify All Our Classmates of the Reunion

login to view a more detailed video

we have several former classmates who live far away and would like to come, but just can't.

As Ted Metrose said "I live way out in Hawaii so I really do not have much of an opportunity to make it back to Pittsburgh. Thanks just the same and I hope you all have a great time. Maholo, Ted "

So, It would be nice to have a picture from them and a 'Hi to the reunion' and something about yourself and we could post this at the reunion. If you would like to do this, just send the pic and the narrative and I will compile to display. There are many people who would love to see you and this will give you a bit of a presence.

Upper St. Clair High School Graduating Class of 1975 - 45 Year Reunion         Contact 

The USC Class of '75 fourty-five year reunion

"Days Left until the reunion " Countdown:


Upper St. Clair High School Class of 1975 Contact Us